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  • Duration: 3 hours

  • Time: 17:00 - 20:00

  • Prerequisite: love and respect for coffee

  • Who we recommend it to: if you have always been interested in making coffee and want to learn how to make a great coffee professionally

  • Group size: min. 3 people max. 6 people

  • Tuition: HUF 29,900 (price includes unlimited coffee and soft drinks)

  • You still have a question? Contact us

  • Ready to apply for a barista course.

Hobby Barista Course
Letter 1 or letter 2

hobby barista training
  • Duration: 2x3 hours per week, over 2 weeks

  • Date: by appointment

  • Prerequisite: love and respect for coffee

  • Who we recommend it to: if you want to get a job in hospitality and want to learn the basics quickly and efficiently

  • Group size: min. 1 person max. 2 people

  • Tuition: HUF 195,000

Individual Barista Training

Individual barista training
  • At the end of each barista course (except for the hobby barista course), there are opportunities to take a theoretical and practical exam.

  • After a successful exam, we will give you a bilingual certificate, which certifies that you have acquired the skills included in the curriculum, which will allow you to find a job in many restaurants and cafes.

  • Fee for the exam: HUF 10,000

Exam and Diploma

Barista exam and diploma Budapest

Barista school, Barista academy

Barista School Budapest

Application for barista education

Here you can apply for our next barista course. Choose which barista training you would like to attend, and we will contact you regarding the available start dates.

Thank you very much for sending us your application. We try to respond within 24 hours.

Which Barista Training would you like to apply?
  • Duration: 2x3 hours per week, for 3 weeks

  • Time: 17:00 - 20:00

  • Prerequisite: love and respect for coffee

  • To whom we recommend: if you want to find a job in hospitality and it is important for you and your employer that you can expertly prepare several types of coffee specialties

  • Group size: min. 3 people max. 6 people

  • Tuition: HUF 99,000

  • You still have a question? Contact us

  • Ready to apply for a barista course.

Barista Basic Training

Barista Basic Training
  • Duration: 2x3 hours

  • Time: 17:00 - 20:00

  • Prerequisite: Barista basic training

  • Who we recommend it to: if you have already completed our basic barista training and want to pour professional samples from the perfectly prepared milk foam

  • Group size: min. 3 people max. 6 people

  • Tuition: HUF 75,000

  • You still have a question? Contact us

  • Ready to apply for a barista course.

Latte Art Training

Latte Art
  • Duration: 2x3 hours

  • Time: 17:00 - 20:00

  • Prerequisite: Basic barista training and latte art course

  • Who we recommend it to: those who want to immerse themselves in the world of specialty coffees and are also curious about the minute details of the art of coffee making

  • Group size: min. 2 people max. 6 people

  • Tuition: HUF 89,000

  • You still have a question? Contact us

  • Ready to apply for a barista course.

Barista Master's Degree

Barista Master's Degree

Barista training, barista courses, barista education

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